We cordially invite you to the opening and book show of the exhibition of
at 5 p.m. on Thursday, March 10, 2022
Welcome speech: ÁKOS RÉTHLY leader of the BudaTower
The exhibition will be opened by DORKA TASKOVICS photographer
Performer: KRISZTA NÉMETH actress, photographer
Mária Magdolna Tower, Kapisztrán tér 6. Budapest, 1014

“The sensitivity that precedes the view”. A sentence written by Kazimir Malevich in his Suprematist Manifesto of 1915 is valid to Gábor Enikő's artworks presented at this exhibit titled Crumpled Lights and also for her creative attitude in multiply ways. In the course of her work, she is not only analyses and explores the absolute nature of the medium; her sensitivity moves beyond the position of the artist's reflection on herself: she seeks partners, she creates a casual creative circle by the gesture of constructing five unique, single-copy photobooks. Beyond the Introversions series, in the five uniquely designed photobooks we can read the texts of five contemporary artists - Vera Fehér, Attila Bartis, Tibor Miltényi, Zopán Nagy and Ági Vedres, who are important for the photographer and represent a decisive and authentic link between literature and photography. In the creative multimedia matrix of the individual and the community, in the sacral space of the Mária Magdolna Tower, the exhibition (which opens on March 10, 2022) invites the visitors to take on a receptive role in which the experience of becoming one is not an unattainable desire, but a real possibility that worth taking advantage of.
Dorka Taskovics
English translator: Gábor Gyukics
The exhibition can be visited for free from March 11 to April 10, 2022. The photos were supported by the National Cultural Fund of Hungary