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The works of Enikő Gábor occupy a very special place in Hungarian fine art. Not only because they are on the border of photography and painting, or because technical awareness and experimentation fills each of her projects with newer and newer inventions and impetus, but also because they reflect the current state of image through many possible approaches, results and impacts of the digital and virtual age.


Szilvia Csanádi-Bognár

Fotóművészet 2017/1


1991 - Secondary School of Visual Arts, Budapest, Hungary
1996 - Graduated from the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in Painting.
1998 - Postgraduate program, Graduated from Hungarian University of Fine Arts in Drawing and Art History Teacher.

Masters: András Baranyay , Sándor Veress , Károly Klimó


Solo Exhibitions


2022 Captures of Light, Hegyvidék Gallery, Budapest

2021 Crumbled Light, BudaTower, Budapest

2017 Renovation, Reconstruction, Renaissance 

ArtBázis, Budapest, (H)

2016 One Touch, Magyar Műhely Gallery, Budapest, (H)

2015 Certified Copy, Palota Gallery, Budapest, (H)

2012 Tekovské Museum, Photo Festival, Levice (Sk)

2008 Halikon, Óbuda Cellargallery - Zichy Castle (H)

2007 Reality-Traps, Nessim Gallery, Budapest, (H)

2004 Light life, Hungarian House of Photography - Mai Manó House, Budapest, (H)

2003 Contemporary Hungarian Photography, Horda Gallery, Pécs, 

2000 Ferenczy Gallery, Budapest, (H)

1999 Cat's Cradle, Bolt Photo Gallery, Budapest, (H)

1997 Bolt Photo Gallery, Budapest, (H)

1996 CEU Conference Center, Budapest, (H)

1994 One-Night Exhibitions, Tabán Gallery, Budapest, (H)

1993 Tam-Tam Gallery, Budapest, (H)

Group Exhibitions

2024 Depth/Focus – Masterpieces from the Collection of the Hungarian Museum of Photography, Millennium House, Budapest, Hungary

2021 Images of Light – II. National Salon of Photographic Art, Kunsthalle, Budapest, Hungary

2020 Exhibition Quarantine, Art Bázis, Budapest, (H)

2018 Mutineers - Neoavantgarde and New Wave in Hungarian Photography – Kepes Institute, Eger, (H)

2017 Donne & Fotografia, Civici Musei di Udine, Udine, Olaszország

2017 The Way They See. An Overview of Hungarian Photography Warsaw National Museum, Poland

2016 Pictures and Pixels, National Salon  Kunsthalle, Budapest, (H)

2016 Modernity X Hungary, Alma On Dobbin, New York, (USA)

2013 Hungarian Art Photography in the New Millennium, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest, (H)

2012 Real Time Players - 2012, FUGA, Budapest, (H)

2010 Light Box, Camera Soave 16, Soave, (I)

2006 444, Turlej Gallery. Krakow, (PL)

2005 Still Life, Óbuda Cellargallery - Zichy Castle, Budapest, (H)

2005 Light Waltz, Month of Photography, Bratislava, (SK)

2003 Contemporary Hungarian Photography, Bolt Photo Gallery, Új-Delhi, (IND)

2002 Light as a feather - Hungarian Photography in New York III, Exhibition Hall of  Consulate General of Hungary, New York, (USA)

2002 Tojásbolt, (Bolt Gallery) Kunsthalle, Budapest, (H)

2002 Almería Centro Andaluz de la Fotografia, CHP Collection of Bolt Gallery, (E)

2002 Mai Manó House, Budapest, (H)

2001 XXS & XXL, Vrais Reves Gallery (Bolt Gallery), Lyon, (F)

2001 Hungarian Photographers in the Garden of the Royal Palace in Paris, Paris, (F)

2001 Monntpellier Photo Gallery, (Bolt Galéria) Kortárs magyar fotográfia, Montpellier, (F)

2000 Camera Obscura , XII. Esztergom Photography Biennial Rondella Gallery, Castle Museum, Esztergom, (H)

1999 Contact Point Hungary, Brusselsl, (B)

1998 Manu Propria, XI. Esztergom Photography Biennial , Rondella Gallery, Esztergomi Castle Museum, Esztergom, (H)


2024 Grand Prize of the City of Esztergom, XXIII Esztergom Photography Biennale

2022 Three-Year Scholarship Program of the Hungarian Academy of Arts

2019 Balogh Rudolf Award

2014 Megapixel - HEAA art prize

2003 MAOE - Creative Scholarship

2000 Main Prize of XII. Esztergom Photography Biennial 

1998 MAOE - prize, XI. Esztergom Photography Biennial

Divald Károly prize

1996 Pécsi József Photography Scholarship

1991 Domanovszky award

Public Collections

Centro di Ricerca e Archiviazione della Fotografia (CRAF)

Spilimbergo, Italy

Hungarian Museum of Photography, Kecskemét, Hungary

Collection of Gachon University, Seoul, South Korea

Nessim Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

EuroMarketing, Brussels, Belgium

Bolt Photo Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

Museum of Fine Arts, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

Palais des Congres, Strasbourg, France

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